Трамп і Зеленський спілкуються з пресою напередодні зустрічі

Колишній президент Дональд Трамп аплодував Володимиру Зеленському в п’ятницю, похваляючи українського президента за їхні «дуже добрі стосунки» — лише через кілька днів після того, як кандидат від Республіканської партії звинуватив Зеленського під час передвиборчого мітингу в «неприємних маленьких наклепах».

«У нас дуже хороші стосунки, і у мене також дуже хороші стосунки, як ви знаєте, з [російським] президентом [Володимиром] Путіним. І я думаю, якщо ми переможемо, я думаю, що ми вирішимо це дуже швидко», – сказав Трамп журналістам у Trump Tower про 31-місячне вторгнення Росії в Україну.

Потім Зеленський перервався, сказавши: «Я сподіваюся, що між нами буде більше хороших стосунків».

Video NY Post

Well, thank you very much. It’s an honor to have the president with us, and he’s been through a lot—he’s been through a tremendous amount like probably nobody else, almost nobody else in history if you really get right down to it. And we’re going to have a discussion and see what we can come up with. But it’s a great honor to have you. Thank you very much.

Thank you so much, Mr. President. Thank you so much for this meeting. Five years passed, and so we had—yes—we had a meeting again here in New York in September, and now there are a lot of challenges in Ukraine and the United States. Of course, I want to discuss with you where we are together. I think we have a common view that the war in Ukraine has to be stopped, and Putin can’t win. Ukraine has to prevail, and I want to discuss with you the details of our plan—the plan of victory.

My honor. Thank you so much.

Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Do you have a question for the president? Any—why did you decide to meet?

I think it’s mutual.

Thank you so much. First of all, it’s very important to share—all the plan, all our steps—how we can strengthen Ukraine. And of course, we have to decide now because after November we don’t know who is—only Americans decide who will be the president. But we understand that until November, we can’t stop. We have to do it. We will try on the battlefield with our heroic soldiers, but we understand that after November we have to decide, and we hope that the strength of the United States will be very strong, and we count on it. That’s why I decided to meet with both candidates, with all honor to them.

Thank you.

Mr. President Trump, what is the expectation about this meeting? What do you expect to hear from President Zelensky, and what are your expectations?

Can you say it a little louder?

What are your expectations for this meeting? What do you expect to hear from—

Nothing, look, this is a meeting, and we have a big race going on right now. I guess 37 days left, and we’re leading in the polls, so we’ll see how it all works out. Hopefully, it’ll work out, but if it does, we’re going to work very much with both parties to try and get this settled and worked out. It has to end at some point. It has to end. He’s gone through hell, and his country has gone through hell like few countries have ever—like it’s happened anywhere. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. It’s a terrible situation, and I will say I have had a great relationship. It was very honorable. I don’t even know if you know this, but when they did the impeachment hoax—it was a hoax, just a Democrat hoax, which we won—but one of the reasons we won it so easily is that when the president was asked—it was over a phone call with the president—he could have grandstanded and played cute, but he didn’t do that. He said President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. He said it loud and clear, and the impeachment hoax died right there. He could have said, well, I don’t know, I don’t know, and I don’t—I never even tell you to be honest—but he was like a piece of steel. He said President Trump did nothing wrong. We had a very nice call. He congratulated me on his victory—you just won. And I remember that. I remember that he could have played cute, and he didn’t play cute, and so I appreciated that. So we have a very good relationship, and I also have a very good relationship, as you know, with President Putin. And I think if we win, I think we’re going to get it resolved very quickly, very well. I really think we’re going to get it. We have more good relations. We’re going to have—

Oh, I see. Yeah, but you know, it takes two to tango, you know, and we will—we’re going to have a good meeting today, and I think the fact that we’re even together today is a very good sign. And hopefully, we’ll have a good victory because if the other side wins, I don’t think you’re going to have victories with anything, to be honest with you. So we’re going to sit down, just discuss it, and if we have a win, I think long before January 20th—before I would take the presidency, it’s January 20th—but long before that, I think that we can work out something that’s good for both sides. It’s time. And by the way, the president knows that too. He wants to get something done. He doesn’t want to do this. And so we look forward to having that meeting. I look forward to being with him. But what I said is true—he was a piece of steel. He gave a very honest, straight answer, and that essentially ended the impeachment hoax, and I appreciated that.

Thank you very much, everybody.

[1] https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c7810y11dyjo
[2] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/meeting-zelenskyy-trump-says-will-negotiate-ukraine-russia-deal-good-b-rcna172987
[3] https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110331/documents/HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD1364.pdf
[4] https://www.c-span.org/video/
[5] https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/25/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-transcript-call/index.html
[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wF2jpsVk7A
[7] https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/09/27/trump-zelensky-ukraine-war-harris/
[8] https://thehill.com/policy/4903330-watch-trump-and-zelenskys-remarks-ahead-of-meeting/

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